Mallory Glustien specializes in industrial health and rehabilitation. She is WorkWell Certified and Ergoscience has 20 years of experience consulting with large and small industry and organizations within Northwestern British Columbia.
Occupational Health and Industrial Consulting
Companies and organizations are required to maintain comprehensive health and safety plans for every worker within every work situation. The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) as well as the Province of British Columbia and WorkSafe BC legislation and regulations outline mandatory requirements to address worker safety.
Human factors (also known as ergonomics) is the study of how humans interact, both physically and psychologically in relation to their particular environments, products, or services. There are many sub specialties of professionals working within the human factors field; each one contributing key pieces of information to create safe working environments.
At Cedar River Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, we recognize that occupational health is closely linked to the overall health of individual workers as well as the health of the company and organization. We have years of experience working in a variety of occupational settings and are positioned to help both individuals and employers create a healthy work environment. Through our work with occupational health teams, involving Occupational Health Physicians, Nurses, Occupational Therapists, and Engineers, we have gained insight into the complex interactions within the workplace that impact health and safety.
Mallory specializes in areas of injury prevention and management, large and small project consultations, functional testing, work site evaluation and return to work planning. She has also developed company specific jobs capabilities tests and has intimate knowledge of what it takes to perform simple to complex tasks to assist with durable return to work.
Human factors (also known as ergonomics) is the study of how humans interact, both physically and psychologically in relation to their particular environments, products, or services. There are many sub specialties of professionals working within the human factors field; each one contributing key pieces of information to create safe working environments.
At Cedar River Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, we recognize that occupational health is closely linked to the overall health of individual workers as well as the health of the company and organization. We have years of experience working in a variety of occupational settings and are positioned to help both individuals and employers create a healthy work environment. Through our work with occupational health teams, involving Occupational Health Physicians, Nurses, Occupational Therapists, and Engineers, we have gained insight into the complex interactions within the workplace that impact health and safety.
Mallory specializes in areas of injury prevention and management, large and small project consultations, functional testing, work site evaluation and return to work planning. She has also developed company specific jobs capabilities tests and has intimate knowledge of what it takes to perform simple to complex tasks to assist with durable return to work.
Ergonomics is an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely —called also biotechnology, human engineering, human factors. Mallory performs job site analyses which are objective, detailed ergonomic assessments that identify ergonomic health risks for employees and provide recommendations for improvements for specific workplace conditions or interactions. The essential functions of workplace-human interactions and risk factors are detailed during an on-site analysis using digital photography as well as precise measurement of repetition, weight, force, static contractions, body mechanics, temperature, lighting, environment, vibration, protective equipment and safety issues and work/rest cycle duration. The effects of stress and office dynamics are also considered when making recommendations for workplace and/or worker behaviour modifications.
PreWork Screens (PWS) and WorkFIT Return to Work Screens
WorkWell's PWS and WorkFIT screens are functional tests to determine an individual's ability to safely perform the physical requirements of a specific job. The PWS is used at time of hire, post offer and pre-hire. A WorkFit screen is used to determine an injured employee's ability to return to work following an injury or illness. Cedar River Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre's return to work consultant works with employees, employers, insurance companies, physicians and other health care specialists to design, modify and enhance return to work programs with the sole purpose of achieving durable return to work for the returning employee.
Work Rehabilitation, Work Conditioning and Work Hardening Programs
Cedar River Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre's Work Rehabilitation programs are specifically designed and individualized programs of total body conditioning and work simulation that is goal driven by an individual's specific job duties. The programs address the physical, functional, behavioural and vocational needs of the injured employee by integrating components of work simulation, physical reconditioning, aerobic training, education and safety.
Complex Case Reviews
With years of combined clinical experience, Mallory and Lori team up to review complex clinical cases that have failed to respond to other clinical interventions or programs to piece together a plan for the patient or employee moving forward. We complete a detailed assessment, including medical history, modified fitness and functional testing utilizing a variety of appropriate outcome measures for baseline and follow-up testing. In consultation with physicians and specialists, recommendations are provided that may include referral to other healthcare specialists, specific pain-management and/or physical and psychological rehabilitation programs and vocational rehabilitation. The goal is to provide education, establish realistic expectations and to optimize recovery from injury, illness or chronic health issues.